Rain is the actor plaing Raize in Ninja Assassin. No doubt is he ripped and shredded like crazy. Daaaaamn I was impressed by his body in that movie. He has awesome “hollywood proportions” and ripped lean muscle all over… No doubt did it take a LOT OF HARD WORK to get the body Rain displays in Ninja Assassin.
By his own words over at IMDB:
[On training for 'Ninja Assassin'] I trained for six hours a day for six months. Five hours on martial arts and one hour on total body fitness. Their system is amazing. It’s not just about lifting weights and cutting out chocolate. It combines a re-growth diet and a lot of core strength building. It’s about the entire body, inside and out, not just single muscle building. It was hard, but it was incredibly rewarding.
So as we can see, it was no “silly workout” that takes a few minues to do… NOT AT ALL.. This was intense full-body work and lots of martial arts for HOURS and HOURS… But did he turn out looking awesome or not, ey?
Anybody would be lying if they said that he doesn’t look cut like a freakin’ hollywood super-trained freak in this movie. Awesome abs, great pecks and shoulders. Many bodybuilders would say that he has no mass and that he doesn’t look good or can lift a ton of weight, but guess what? This look is far more attractive for women, and harder to obtain!!
Anyway, we can all agree that he is on a “FAT LOSS PLAN” and probably used some supplements to get ripped. Well, he had to have built up muscle first, then lean up and probably built some more muscle when he was “skinny enough” to get the “shrink wrap effect” as explained in Visual Impact Muslce Building (The only “look like hollywood” program worth investing in).
Below is a video of the workouts he is performing and they are, as you an see, quite fun and challenging. Notice that some of this is can be in Korean,lol. The good thing is that “sweating” is universal and you’ll see what’s up =)
Like I mentioned before, there is no substitute for hard work and good nutrition. Those are the 2 basics that will get you ripped, but if you want a “Kick in the butt” you should get on a REAL workout program that isn’t some fancy gimmick. I am actually on this program myself right now and I’m loving it:
As you probably see, this is no easy task and is not about running forever or doing massive amounts of boring sit-ups. No, these celebrty workouts are focused, hard and intense, but they will give you a body to die for, no doubt. Rain in Ninjas Assassins workout plan was 6 hours per day… Most people don’t have that kind of time, but if you do, go for it! Good thing is you don’t need the 6 hours, but only the 1 hour of strength training and then a 15 minute HIIT session at the end to lose fat and get amazingly ripped. Even if you never reach Rain’s body, even half of that is awesome progress, wouldn’t you agree?
As you can see, he is pretty much working out the way I prescribe doing burpee’s and other full-body movements. I love Tabata Burpees and 16 minute 30/30 second burpees! They get your heart rate going and makes your whole body work and tone up like craaaazy. Trust me, this is insanely hard if you aren’t fit… It’s near impossible.
I literally had an “average-fit” person try my workout, and they managed 2 rounds out of 16. That tells you a lot about how hard it is… Anyway, if you want to get ripped like hollywood stars I recommend you try the Visual Impact Muscle Building porgram right now. I’m on it and it’s fun! It will let you get the abs you want, the shoulders and chest you want… That Hollywood angular look like Rain has in Ninja Assassin. I think his look and the outcome of this program are a perfect match, so that’s why I wanted to share this with you!
Tagged as: Body Fitness, Bodybuilders, Core Strength, Freakin, Imdb, Lean Muscle, Lifting Weights, Martial Arts, Muscle Building, Ninja Assassin, No Doubt, Pecks, Proportions, Raize, Six Hours, Subst, Super Freak, Visual Impact, Workout, Workouts
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